PHP Classes

PHP Reduce JSON: Compress JSON data using the reduced JSON format

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StarStarStar 56%Total: 500 All time: 5,817 This week: 673Up
Version License PHP version Categories
rjson-php 0.1.1The PHP License5.3PHP 5, Text processing, Data types


This class can compress and decompress JSON data using the reduced JSON format.

It can take a variable value and encode it in reduced JSON format by avoiding duplication of key names of object values inside an array.

The class can also do the opposite, decode a previously encoded value in reduced JSON format and restore the original variable value.

Innovation Award
PHP Programming Innovation award nominee
April 2013
Number 6
JSON is now a popular text format for interchanging typed data between applications.

The reduced JSON format is an evolution of JSON that can take less space by avoiding certain types of data redundancies.

This class can encode and decode data structures exported in the reduced JSON format.

Manuel Lemos
Picture of Dmitri Russu
Name: Dmitri Russu <contact>
Classes: 2 packages by
Country: Moldova Moldova
Age: 36
All time rank: 18163 in Moldova Moldova
Week rank: 158 Up1 in Moldova Moldova Up
Innovation award
Innovation award
Nominee: 2x


PHP5 RJson Version 0.1.1 === Copyright (c) 2013, Dmitri Russu <> RJson return compact recursive data Array or Object Array by Algorithm Dmytro Dogadailo <>. === Compress Array data and Json data until 60%! === RJSON-php VS RJSON-js ========= How begin to use PHP RJSON example: $data = //Your recursive Array data; $pack = RJson::pack($data); $unpack = RJson::unpack($pack); How begin to use JavaScript RJSON example: data = //jason packedge from php; unpack = RJSON.unpack(data); packAndSendToSerevr = RJSON.pack(unpack); ... --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- JavaScrip RJSON release from Dmytro Dogadailo. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- RJson converts any Array data collection into more compact recursive form. Compressed data is still JSON and can be parsed with `JSON.parse`. RJson can compress not only homogeneous collections, but any data sets with free structure. Below you can see initial form! Array: $data['data_process'] = array( 'template' => array('layers' => array( 'layer_id_one' => array('age' => 23,'name' => 'Robert', 'height' => 187), 'layer_id_two' => array('name' => 'Andre', 'age' => 24, 'height' => 188), ), 'themes_one' => array( 'theme_id_one' => array('name' => 'Green', 'width' => 11), 'theme_id_two' => array('name' => 'Yellow', 'width' => 12), ), 'themes_two' => array( 'theme_id_one' => array('name' => 'Green', 'width' => 11), 'theme_id_two' => array('name' => 'Yellow', 'width' => 12), ), 'designs' => array( array('title' => 'Design_1', 'width' => 23, 'height' => 187), array('width' => 24, 'title' => 'Design_2','height' => 181), ) ), 'id' => 7, 'tags' => array('php', 'javascript', 2013, null, false, true), 'users' => array( array('first' => 'Homer', 'last' => 'Simpson'), array('first' => 'Hank', 'last' => 'Hill'), ), 'library' => array( array('title' => 'RJSON-php', 'author' => 'Dmitri Russu', 'year' => 2013), array('title' => 'JavaScrip RJSON', 'author' => 'Dmytro Dogadailo', 'year' => 2012)) ); RJson result compact json or one compact php array(): RJson ENCODED Packedge {"id":7, "library": [{"author":"Dmitri Russu","title":"RJSON-php","year":2013}, [3,"Dmytro Dogadailo","JavaScrip RJSON",2012]], "tags": ["php","javascript",2013,null,false,true], "template":{ "designs": [{"height":187,"title":"Design_1","width":23}, [5,181,"Design_2",24]], "layers":{ "layer_id_one":{"age":23,"height":187,"name":"Robert"}, "layer_id_two":[7,24,188,"Andre"]}, "themes_one": {"theme_id_one":{"name":"Green","width":11}, "theme_id_two":[9,"Yellow",12]}, "themes_two": [8,[9,"Green",11], [9,"Yellow",12]]}, "users": [{"first":"Homer","last":"Simpson"}, [10,"Hank","Hill"]]} EXAMPLE OF USE RJson: You make a call class with one simple single tone request $data = array( 'projects' => Db_Model_Projects::findAllProjects($returnArrayRows), 'settings' => Db_Model_Settings::findAllSettings($returnArrayRows), 'pages' => Db_Model_Pages::findAllPages($returnArrayRows) ); $compactArrayPackedge = RJson::pack($data); $compactJsonFormatPackedge = RJson::pack($data, $json = true); $compactJsonFormatPackedge - this packedge you can send to Ajax request Where can make unpack with Js library * * <scrip language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript" > $.ajax( { "dataType": 'json', "type": "POST", "url": 'index.php?action=getData', "success": function(data) { packedge = RJSON.unpack(data); console.dir(packedge); } }); //Send packedge to server packedge = RJSON.pack(data); $.ajax( { "dataType": 'json', "type": "POST", "data": data, "url": 'index.php?action=saveData', "success": function(result) { console.log(result); } }); <script> RJson is a good practice to use on your Applications which make requests at server for obtains a big data to client Application.

  Files folder image Files (9)  
File Role Description
Files folder imagetest (5 files)
Accessible without login Plain text file LICENSE Lic. application license
Accessible without login Plain text file Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file rjson.js Data Auxiliary data
Accessible without login Plain text file rjson.lib.php Class RJson-php,make compact data Array which can send to client with ajax request

  Files folder image Files (9)  /  test  
File Role Description
  Accessible without login Plain text file DataProcess.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Accessible without login Plain text file final_array_unpacked.txt Doc. Documentation
  Accessible without login Plain text file index.php Aux. Auxiliary script
  Accessible without login Plain text file init_array.txt Doc. Documentation
  Accessible without login Plain text file jquery.js Data Auxiliary data

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Good Class !!!!!
11 years ago (alex stoica)